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About Terez Amato


I work for you: I am truly honored to be your South Maui (HD11) State Representative.

I grew up on Maui and raised my four children here on Maui. 

Maui is my home.  Maui is not for sale.  It does not belong to big corporations. 

I stand for change.  I am a real progressive.  I share your values.  

You deserve a Representative who is #WorkingForThePeople, not for corporations and lobbyists. 

I will never take corporate money – because I am not for sale!

Many of Hawai'i's Doctors , Teachers,  Dentists Unions and Medical professionals, endorse and TRUST me (see endorsements page)

to do what is best for our kupuna and our keiki.


Working for you in an elected office in which I serve as an advocate for the people of Maui is an honor that I will never take for granted.  

Maui is not for sale. It does not belong to corporations. 


The US Supreme Court has anointed itself as the regulatory agency for women's bodies, guns and our environment:

The Supreme Court is cutting abortion protection, allowing public concealed gun carry laws, violating separation of church and state with school funds, and another EXTREME SCOTUS ruling just stripped away EPA authority for environmental protection, essentially undoing the Clean Air Act. 

I will work to codify your protections! See my plan to preserve your rights!


You deserve a Representative who is working for the people, not for the corporations and lobbyists that have hijacked our political system. 

As a mother of 4 I will support strengthening gun laws in Hawai’i and I will vote for tougher registration requirements.  

I will protect our children and our families. 

I will protect women's rights. I will always stand up for the people of Hawai’i, not special interest groups.

Too many corrupt corporate funded pay to play politicians (fear candidates who are #WorkingForThePeople not corporations.

And to my opponent and those old boy politicians I say: Unlike so many who claim to represent people,

I will never take a penny from any corporation or lobbyist, especially not the NRA! 

I'm working for the people, I am working for YOU, the people of South Maui!

Our government must always serve the people, not the agenda of the lobbyists.


I will always support Maui's families, workers and small businesses. 

Keeping Maui free from toxins and pollution, and protecting the health of our people and our environment will always be one of my top priorities. That is something we can't afford to compromise on, which is another reason why I will never take money from corporations or lobbyists. 

I refused corporate and lobbyist money in every election. We don't need corporate control, we need grassroots people power that represents ALL of the people.

We need a campaign finance revolution! 

We can create a strong economy with good jobs for everyone, while we keep Maui clean, healthy and prosperous for our families and our children.

The people of Maui need to know for sure that their House Representative works for them, not for corporations.  

If you would like to know exactly where I stand on specific issues please CLICK HERE or feel free to contact me!


As your Hawai'i State Representative


  • work for the people of Maui, not corporations or lobbyists
  • support Maui’s workers and local businesses.
  • protect our people and environment from toxic pollution and corporate abuses.
  • fight for your right to Health and Prosperity


  • take money from corporations or lobbyists.

Kulia i ka nu'u!

Brief Bio:

Terez Amato grew up in South and Central Maui and is a graduate of St. Anthony Jr./Sr. High School in Wailuku (Class of ’93). As a hardworking, single mother of four, she believes in our basic human rights to clean air, clean water, and locally grown food. Her vision is for a sustainable Maui nui where education, health care, and preserving the rights of all citizens and workers is both progressive and rational. 

Working in very successful, small family businesses here on Maui from a young age, she learned the importance of integrity and always doing her best when serving others. Terez Amato’s honest, thoughtful, and responsive approach to issues and considering the good of all—especially the future of our children—defines our future Representative’s positive campaign.

Why am I running?

The simple fact of the matter is that you deserve a House Representative who works for you, not corporations or lobbyists.

That is why I made a solid commitment to never accept corporate or lobbyist donations. The people of Maui will always know that I only work for them. Our environment is truly our economy. My goal is to guarantee and protect our right to clean air, clean water, and clean soil. By doing so, we will preserve our health, our economy will prosper, and our children will inherit a Maui nui worthy of raising a family in. My objective is to assert our uncompromised right to a healthy, prosperous life. To accomplish this, the people of Maui—and the island ecosystem that sustains us—must be put first.

Running for an elected office in which I serve as an advocate for the people of Maui is an honor that I will never take for granted. 

I’m running for State Representative of South Maui (HD11) because the people of Maui need a Representative who is willing to be their voice, one who understands their needs, and who works hard and advocates for them everyday.

The life of the land is perpetuated in righteousness. We need new leadership in the legislature who understands this and who has not lost sight of who their constituents are. I will never forget who my neighbors are and the people I work for. I’m only one person, but together with you, we can work to reverse the damage being done to our island home and reclaim our government. I humbly ask that you make a new choice in this election and vote for me on Saturday, August 13th. 

Why you should vote for me

I won’t forget who hired me. Serving as your State House Representative is a civic responsibility, an honor, and a privilege that I will not take for granted. As such, my values won’t be compromised by campaign contributions, and I will never take money from corporations or lobbyists. I promise to always be accessible and for my door to always be open. As I’ve said to the thousands of Maui residents whose doors I’ve knocked on, I am applying for the job to work for you.

I won’t ever claim to have all the answers. If I don’t know something or am unsure, I’ll tell you. With you as my employer, I am accountable only to you.

I promise no games, just straight answers; and to help me make informed decisions I will establish a reputable brain trust of knowledgeable professionals and community members across diverse fields to help educate me and keep me in the know. I promise to always do my best—for you.

Really, what you see is what you get with me, and I have a very low tolerance for political games.

I am part of the 99%; and it’s the 99% who I will serve.

Together we must protect our families’ futures, and that depends on the choices we make at the polls August 11th. We must choose wisely: Choose vision, innovation, and new leaders who are working for the people, not corporations— because those are the new leaders who are actually working for you. On August 11th the people of Maui will take back their political system!

Previous community organization involvement: 

Sierra Club (Board Member, Treasurer), Maui Farmers Union (member), Surfrider foundation (volunteer), Maui Forest Bird Recovery Project (volunteer),  Leeward Haleakala Watershed Restoration Partnership (volunteer), West Maui Mountains Watershed Partnership (volunteer).

 Mahalo! Terez


Please help fund this Democratic campaign by CLICKING HERE

Paid for by the Friends of Terez Amato 3271 Waileia Pl. Kihei HI 96753


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